Can Botox Make You A Better Poker Player?

When people think of Botox, typically improving the look of one's appearance and getting rid of wrinkles is what comes to mind. However, if you're a serious poker player or are interested in turning a hobby into a profession, you might be surprised to learn that Botox could help you. Read on to learn more about Botox and what it can potentially do for your poker career: How Botox Works on the Face [Read More]

3 Tricks for Taking Care of Your Skin During the Winter

The winter time can be really harsh on your skin. If your struggle to take care of your skin in the winter time, here are a few tips that will make this winter a little smoother. #1 Give Your Lips Some Extra Attention One of the parts of the body that seems to suffer the most during the winter time are the lips. After you brush your teeth in the morning, run your toothbrush over your tips. [Read More]

The Beginner's Guide To Microneedling

You may have heard of a new trend call microneedling. Microneedling is also often referred to as collagen induction therapy. This procedure is meant to rejuvenate your skin, giving you a young appearance. The procedure can be performed on the face, neck, and arms. Have you thought about minimizing the size of facial scars or enhancing the firmness of your skin? Microneedling may be one consideration for you in the near future. [Read More]

Suspect Skin Cancer But Afraid Of Surgery? 2 Non-Surgical Skin Cancer Treatments & The Importance Of Early Treatment

If you have noticed a lesion, a suspicious-looking mole, or one of the other signs that you may have skin cancer, then you may be hesitating to make that dermatologist appointment you need to make due to fear that your suspicions are correct. However, it is important to act fast and not let fear get in the way of seeking treatment -- the sooner skin cancer is diagnosed and treated, the better the outcome will be for you and your health. [Read More]