Suspect Skin Cancer But Afraid Of Surgery? 2 Non-Surgical Skin Cancer Treatments & The Importance Of Early Treatment

If you have noticed a lesion, a suspicious-looking mole, or one of the other signs that you may have skin cancer, then you may be hesitating to make that dermatologist appointment you need to make due to fear that your suspicions are correct. However, it is important to act fast and not let fear get in the way of seeking treatment -- the sooner skin cancer is diagnosed and treated, the better the outcome will be for you and your health. If your biggest fear is that you will have to obtain invasive surgery to have cancerous skin removed, then it may ease your worries to learn about the various non-surgical skin cancer treatments that dermatologists now frequently use. 

Read on to learn about two non-surgical skin cancer treatments that may be options for you if your suspicions are correct and you are diagnosed with skin cancer. 

1. Photo dynamic Therapy is No-Cut, Comfortable Skin Cancer Treatment Option

If it turns out that you have squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, or keratoses, then your dermatologist may suggest that you obtain photo dynamic therapy skin cancer treatment. This treatment is not only non-invasive, but often very successful. One doctor who performs it on patients reports a 95-percent success rate when he uses photo dynamic therapy to kill cancer cells and keep them from spreading. 

The treatment is performed in two simple steps. First, a special medicinal cream is applied to a skin cancer lesion. Next, a special light is directed at the carcinoma that activates the cream and enables it to kill the skin cancer cells. 

2. Stage 0 Melanoma is Treatable with Cream

Melonoma, which is the deadliest form of skin cancer that can spread to other body organs over time, is generally only treatable with surgery. However, when caught very early, some dermatologists offer patients who want to avoid surgery the option of treating their skin cancer with a special cream called imiquimod that can kill cancer cells before they spread. However, as you can imagine, it is important to make an appointment with a dermatologist very quickly before potential melanoma progresses to its more advanced stages if you want this treatment to be an option for you. 

If you have a suspicious-looking mole or an unusual patch of skin that has developed on your body, then it is very important to visit a dermatologist as soon as possible, so you can find out if you truly do have skin cancer and seek non-invasive treatment before the cancer spreads and is only treatable with surgery. If you are hesitating to make that appointment due to fear of surgical skin removal, then realize that waiting longer may limit your treatment options later. Talk to your doctor about what skin cancer treatments are available in your case. 
