Understanding And Treating Age Spots

A well-balanced diet and exercise plan are key tasks for a healthy lifestyle, but genetics and your habits also play a role in your physical and emotional well-being. Considering your skin is your largest organ, understanding how to care for it properly is imperative. Unfortunately, most people do not realize the dark spots on their skin can be prevented. Also known as liver spots, age spots can develop on anyone's skin, but they are most common in patients over 40 years of age. Here is some more information to help you understand and treat age spots on your skin.

Understanding Age Spots

Excess exposure to the sun or UV lights will increase your skin's production of melanin. Found in the outer layer of skin, melanin is a pigment that gives your skin its color. If exposed to the ultraviolet rays of the sun or lights in tanning beds, your skin will produce more melanin, which will create dark patches on the skin's surface.

You may develop age spots on the following areas, since these are likely to be exposed to the sun:

  • Top of Hands
  • Arms
  • Shoulders
  • Face
  • Upper Back 

The dark patches on the skin are not dangerous or life-threatening, but they can affect your appearance while decreasing your self-esteem. Thankfully, fading the spots is possible.

Treating Age Spots

Visit your local drug or beauty product retailer and you will find a large selection of products that claim to reduce dark spots on your skin. While some of these products may be effective, talking to your dermatologist is smart for finding the treatment that is right for your specific needs.

Your dermatologist may prescribe a topical hydroquinone cream to diminish age spots over time. A topical cream that contains retinol is also effective. Not only will the anti-aging properties of retinol decrease and prevent wrinkles, but it will also restore sun-damaged skin cells.

For a more immediate improvement in unappealing age spots, consider dermabrasion. Dermabrasion removes the outer layer of skin with an exfoliating/sanding tool. After the treatment, the outer layer of skin will begin restoring itself back to a healthy, non-damaged state.

Be sure to wear SPF protection on your skin after treatments to prevent future age spots.

Age spots are not dangerous skin conditions, but they can decrease your appearance and confidence. With this guide, you will understand how they develop and learn about treatments to diminish common age spots. 
